Better Conflict Bulletin

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The Better Conflict Bulletin

26 February 2023

38m 25s

Langston Mayo: “Hey, let's have a dialogue.”



Let's look to the future of the conflict transformation space with Langston Mayo, a new voice on the scene. A recent graduate of the University or Oregon School of Law Master’s program, he works with Conflict Artistry, a Portland-based organization that, among other services such as dispute resolution, seeks to provide paths to redistributive justice in unexpected ways. In this episode, he discusses the philosophy behind this new form of restitution that combines reintegration with accountability. Mayo is the host of the podcast Isolated Thoughts and reflects here on the start of his career and why he hopes to work himself out of a job.

Show Notes

Conflict Artistry

Langston Mayo’s creative conflict transformation service

Isolated Thoughts

Langston Mayos’ podcast